Tuesday, April 01, 2008

Keeping the Enemy at Bay

Hey all:
I am sitting by a gate at the Detroit Metro Airport. We had an uneventful flight here, considering that we flew one of those commuter planes, and we had all that luggage onboard it. In fact the flight was so weighed that they were not able to take any passenger who was on the standby list plus they asked for a volunteer to give up a seat because of all the weight from our black trunks!

You may be asking: are these people so insane to bring so much stuff in a short-term trip like that? Well, maybe we are, but you need to know that we have brought several of the tools and hardware we will need for the wood shop project at the Orphan Center in Bangui. We also brought a lot of medical supply, thanks to the generosity of the folks from our church who gave so liberally. And I am not even speaking of the equipment we brought for ICDI to use at the Orphan Center. In other words, we were weighed but not down, up. We feel great about how those things will be used as a blessing to so many of the children we will seek to help.

As I look forward to the next couple of days, I am very excited. The last time we were in Africa we visited a small Pygmy village where destitution and desperation were so palpable I wanted to die or to desperately do something to make a change. Some of you remember me talking about it. Well, since then that little band of people has got a water well and some latrines in the village. I am told that they are like a brand new group now and I can't wait so see them again. I am proud of the fact that our church has not forgotten these little people who are so despised among their own countrymen.

I am also excited about the classes I will teach in the seminary. Yes, I still have some preparation to to on the plane, but I have been so blessed by God already by my intense study of 1 Thessalonians these last couple of weeks. I feel that the Lord has answered my prayers already by helping me to bring out points that I believe will be helpful for pastors-in-training in the context of one of the poorest countries in the world. Please, continue to pray for me and my students.

As I speak with our team members, it has become more and more obvious that each one has had to overcome some major hurdles in order to be on that flight that started us on this road to Bangui, CAR. First, our trip was almost cancelled at one time. In fact, we did void our tickets once, after having bought them. But thank God we were able to redesign our trip to Bangui instead of PAMA, where we were originally headed. Then there are the individual stories of the team members. I don't know all the stories yet but it is obvious that some of us were in the midst of some intense spiritual battles as we were nearing our time to go to Africa.

I can tell you that it was not until just a few days ago that I made the final decision to come. I know now for a fact that the enemy was not happy for me to come. I don't have time to tell you all the details and some of it I couldn't even tell, but suffice to say that over the last 30 days or so I had at least three major spiritual conflicts I was right in the middle of. These were not minor battles, like the ones we fight every day against Satan -- consistent prayer, reading and meditation of Scripture, sharing our faith, etc.

These were things that involved major conflagrations, some involving disappointments and sadness with some people I love and care so much about. I felt so overwhelmed at times and didn't see how I could possibly have any energy left to give to so many people who were expecting to hear a word from God as I spent some hours with them. I couldn't see how I could find joy in serving people. I was emotional spent in so many ways.

I kept asking God for His grace for each day, one day at a time, like Jesus said -- each day has enough trouble of its own. This was how I was able to deal with the entire situation. Moment by moment, stealing every hour I could to get my notes ready, and all the while second guessing whether I would even use them at all.

In the midst of the struggle there were some signs of hope. Last Friday I was able to lead someone to the Lord and that was a major victory. Someone who was so close to despair and saw the light of glory by accepting the forgiveness and peace that Christ alone gives. Things began to improve but I have to admit that not everything is what I have been praying for yet. There are still victories to be had and struggles to face. But Satan has not succeeded in stopping us. Like I told my son earlier this morning, as I took him to school: "It's a miracle that I am even getting on that flight today. The enemy pointed all his guns at us but we fought back with a bit of Holy Ghost power and he baulked."

Needless to say the enemy is not dead. The Bible says that we are not unaware of his schemes. Therefore, he could pop his ugly head at any moment. That's why we need your prayers more than ever. Satan would love to attack our families back home. All of our team members have left children back home whom they hate to be away from. One is planning to get married soon after we get back. Kids practices are being missed and games will not be followed.

But we believe with all our hearts that God has us where we are now for a reason and we count on you to believe with us. And the best way you could do that is through your prayers. Please, pray for us every day as God bring us to your mind.

Thank you for staying behind and helping us to continue on this mission to bring the glory of God to the ends of the earth.

With God, for the nations,

Pastor Ivanildo C. Trindade
P.S. In about half an hour we board our flight to Paris. Thanks for praying!

1 comment:

Laura G. said...

I want you to know that I prayed for all of you last night. Before even reading this, I prayed for the seperation from children that all of you are facing. Ivanildo, I know it is a miracle that you are going there and I continue to pray that God equips and uses you as you teach at the seminary. I will be prayinig each day as I did last night. That you can count on. God's power is stronger than Satan and He exhibits His glory more and more as we pray. Be blessed and work hard for our brothers and sisters in Africa!! Much love and prayers to all of you! (Ivanildo, I realize I didn't get my letter to you, I am just gonna email it to Suzanne.) I'll write again tomorrow!