Friday, April 11, 2008

Back to "Slow-nectivity"

Hello everyone:

I am sitting at an Internet Cafe. The connection is bad. But the reason I am sitting here and not somewhere else where the connection would be faster, the room not hot and sticky, and the surroundings not as noisy is a different one altogether. But I am afraid I am not going there now because I don't have time and I probably wouldn't do justice to the complexity of the issues that resulted in a slight downgrade to the Internet Cafe next to the GBIM headquarters in Bangui.

Let me just say that I can't wait until tomorrow because I will be able to work from the ICDI office where the connectivity is a lot faster and smoother. I am not going to be able to upload pictures today. It would take me ages to do it here. But it's not like you haven't gotten a good share of them lately, right?

I have just come from a lovely dinner at the GBIM headquarters here. We ate some great tacos and enjoyed some good fellowship with the Brethren (Grace or not). We appreciate Heidi's tremendous hospitality in hosting us. It was a good taste of home!

I finished my classes today so it was a packed day. Needless to say, I feel completely spent now. As a matter of fact, I am aware of every movement with my typing and it's as if I could fall over the keyboard at any moment. We started rising early as usual. Pastor Tom preached at Chapel today and the students were very challenged to hear him challenge them about the meaning of the "fear of the Lord" in Joshua and Proverbs. He was his usual Central African self with lots of jokes in between lines. The students and faculty were having a good time.

At the end of my class this afternoon they had a ceremony in chapel with the faculty and the students. The President of the student body made a beautiful speech in which he thanked me for my teaching this week. Then I spoke some about how my church in Wooster is praying for the school here. I told them about the story I wrote on the blog and the responses from some of you. Then the dean spoke reminding the students that I was the first visiting professor to come to teach at the seminary in Bangui. He welcomed me back any time, and he thanked me and my family for releasing me to come. Next the dean's wife came forward with a gift. I opened it and it was a nice African type of suit that I had wanted to get. And she had eyed me perfectly as it was just the right fit. They then prayed for me and we said our good-byes.

The rest of the team continued work on the building today and they also made a couple of visits in the homes where orphans are living. As soon as they got there, they said that they were swarmed with people from everywhere. I haven't heard a full report from the team about this but Pastor Tom said that things went well.

Everybody is in good spirits. Beth is feeling better. We are all exhausted beyond measure. This was evident today as we sat for lunch and our normally talkative bunch dug the food in stoic silence for the longest time until someone remarked the fabled "either we are too hungry or too tired" aphorism. I think both were true this day. The days are getting long because we are more tired but they seem shorter because we still have so much to accomplish.

I haven't read all your comments here from yesterday. I started copying them but my connection was interrupted twice. I copy and paste them every night so the team can have them read to us during our team time every evening. What a tremendous source of encouragement your comments have been. We are humbled to be Christ's representatives here and we don't consider us to be anything special. We are just trying to be Jesus' hands and feet, as one of our team mates said today.

Thank you for your love that has been so obvious from your comments. Please, continue to pray for us fervently as we near the end of our time here.

Love from all to all,

Pastor Ivanildo C. Trindade


Anonymous said...

We are all praying for you here. Can't wait to see you all and hear the amazing stories of how God's presence through you, touched the lives of so many in Africa. -Josh

Anonymous said...

praying for you today as our sun comes up!
We know you are weary and are praying for strength for all of you.
Just an update on the Simms family...a few minutes after I wrote yesterday Marlin went to be with Jesus and as we visited at the house, shortly after, I was so impacted with the peace that comes from our Lord in times like this.
I am so thankful for His power over death and the grave for our hope and eternity.
We think about you all and talk about you all so much...and pray for you all.
Take a break and have a group hug and think of us hugging you all.
Our hearts are with you.
Love and Prayers,
Celeste and Steve Kern

Anonymous said...

Good morning team!
Getting ready for 2nd saturday and thinking about all of you. Mc and I are carrying blog pictures around and sharing with everyone. She took awhile to get off the bus yesterday as she showed them to Pat- the driver. I will carry them with me to church tomorrow and ask friends to continue to pray for your strength and JOY. You are all such an inspiration to me.
Praise God!

David Sorg said...

Good Morning CAR!
I was impressed this morning by all the blessings that the Lord has given all of us @ Grace, and everyone in the USA, as well. I believe that one key reason for these blessings is so that we can support, and pray for efforts such as the one you all are engaged in. Praise the Lord! And keep up the good work. As I prayed for the Simms family this morning, I was reminded that we are here for such a short time, that we must not procrastinate in our efforts to serve others-we must not say I'll give to my neighbor tomorrow, we must do it today, as you are all doing-you bring joy to my heart. Beth, it was wonderful to talk to you yesterday, I love you very much, and lets hope for Thursday. Ivanildo, thanks for shepherding my sweet girl. And to you all, may the blessings and peace of Jesus be on you, and everyone you touch, today.

Anonymous said...

Hi Ivanildo -
We are praying the Armor of God upon you all and the African people. May you all be strengthened in your union to Him. Stand strong...

Also, please tell Tim and Jeana that we are enjoying the weekend with Zac. The kids are having fun and they had a ball at the fun fair last night. We thought of you guys when we tucked Zac into bed ... and we prayed for you all.
By the way - Zac still loves Mac and Cheese!

God bless and be well,
Lisa McConnell

Anonymous said...

Oi amor. Que bom que estou podendo falar contigo ao telefone. Sempre que ligares tenta mais vezes como fizeste Sabado. Pois o telefone so toca 2 vezes e pronto. Se nao atender logo a ligacao nao e completa. Estou indo para Columbus com a Celeste. Resolvi, depois da conversa que tive contigo e o Allen tambem se prontificou de ir so no domingo de manha se eu quisesse ir. Esta tudo bem aqui. Continuo orando por saude e seguranca para voces ai. Te amo. Naza

Laura G. said...

Thanks for the entries as always. I got behind on my reading and responding due to a busy weekend, but am so glad to hear of your efforts and God's grace which has allowed you to do and learn much.