Wednesday, April 09, 2008

Building Update

Today, Pastor Tom was able to buy all the steel and clear roofing materials. That's a big answer to prayer. He was talking about how hard it is to spend money, as he spent 300,000 Central African Franks today (about 800 U.S. dollars).

The rear brick wall is about three quarters of the way up and they will be able to finish that tomorrow. They leveled out the floor and rock is going to be broken up for the cement. The frames for the door on the front are made. Dug the ditch around it to keep the water from flowing into the workshop.

As you can see, work is progressing really well. It's incredible that all the parts have been found and purchased. Having a master builder on the site has been a God sent. Rob has made a contribution to the overall deterioration of the culture here, as he introduced kids to some kind of a contraption that lets out some pseudo gases of unknown source. It seems like even the adults got into it quickly with the result that work had to be interrupted for a while...

The guys also took time to play basketball with the kids and they are ready to put a volleyball net out so they can play that as well.

Pastor Ivanildo C. Trindade
P.S. Rick is not in the pictures because he was the photographer. Since I have not been to the building site, I have not been able to take pictures there. Sorry!


Laura G. said...

So good to see the pictures! My lack of comments does not mean lack of thought or prayer the last day or two. In fact, I just had my meeting for Rwanda with my church yesterday and was getting so excited!! Jeana and Ivanildo, I am gonna have to pick your brains about some stuff when you get back because somehow I ended up on the planning committee for this trip!:) I am so happy for all of you. God is working in and through you and clearly developing bonds with our brothers and sisters in Christ in Africa. Keep pressing into the Lord and relishing those relationships!

Anonymous said...

What is a pseudo gas??? never mind I don't want to know. I am thinking that it was mostly boys who were interested in the gases. Girls don't behave like that... should I tell that Beth is the champion belcher at our house??? (and still Josh loves her)
Keep up the good work!
Love Michelle
P.S. she didn't learn that stuff from me!