Thursday, April 17, 2008

Heading Back...

It's 4:30 p.m. here. We were successful in getting all our luggage checked at Air France office, got our boarding passes. We had an American style lunch (humburgers) and are working on some last minute things. Some of us went to the market, I had a meeting with the Dean of the Theological Seminary and the ladies are getting their hair done now...

We are ready to go home and would appreciate your prayers. Please, keep checking the blog for the next few days as I will endeavor to put some more pictures here. We have thousands and I will try to select a few more.

Though our short-term mission is coming to an end, the plight of the poor is not. Their struggle continues and we must double up our efforts to speak on their behalf, to work so they can work, to share so they can have the hope of Christ. We count on you to help us as we seek to do just that, with God's help.

With God, for the nations,

Pastor Ivanildo C. Trindade
PS.: Naza -- Thank you for your encouraging comments. I felt the strength of your prayers and miss taking in the beauty that God has so lavishly bestowed on you. Coming home is sweet indeed. Can't wait to hug Joshua, Carolina & Carissa. Love always.


Anonymous said...

Pastor Ivanildo wrote:

It stands to reason then that if the Messiah didn’t need a mansion, neither do we?

Indeed, why do we? May we question our Mansions back in America

Pastor Daron said...

I am ready to hear and to listen how God is transforming each of you. I look forward to hearing each of your stories. May God give you rest before you arrive so that you can begin the re-entry process. We love you all and are so proud of your efforts for the Lord!

Pastor Daron

Anonymous said...

Hello Team! I was actually unaware that there was a group of you currently in the C.A.R. until this morning. It's great to go over some of the pictures and blogspots, which obviously takes me back to our trip this past summer. It's so great to see Grace continuing to feed the starving and I wanted to let you all know that you'll be in our prayers w/ both me and Natalie, and with my team here at CBN.
Miss you all, Chad Kohler