But there was another reason Jill called. Just the night before a fatal accident between two motorcycles happened just in front of the T.E O. One young man was was killed. He was a Christian and his mother works for Youth With a Mission in Cambodia. The boy was only 18. But what Jill said next was again a reminder of how unfair this world really is. She said that the family was so poor they could only afford enough wood to cover three sides of the crude casket. The top was completely open. My heart cried as I heard this. Even today as I think of this my heart aches. It is hard enough to be an indigent in America, imagine being among the poorest of the poor in a country like Cambodia. Though I don't know this family, I ask you to pray for them, and especially the mom, who is probably in a world of pain right now.
But you can do more. You can pray for all of our brothers and sisters in Cambodia. Jill told me that since they moved here they have been to about 25 funerals, usually of young people between the ages of 18-26, usually because of moped/motorcycle related type of accidents. Pray for Kevin and Jill Kane and other workers who are laboring for God in dangerous places around the world. Kevin and Jill also ride their motorbikes through the streets of a city with three million people and too much traffic for comfort. They need protection on a daily basis.
Thank you for you faithful prayers for us here. Please continue to pray for Jeana. She is still coughing hard. We are heading to Weing Pa Pao tomorrow morning (it's already 1:30 a.m. here on Friday), the home of Grace Place, Thailand. We can't wait to meet our children.
Stay with God,
Pastor Ivanildo C. Trindade
Hey SE Asia Team! Thanks for the updates and prayer requests. We've been talking about the blog in the office quite a bit. Can't wait to see you when you return.
Thank you Pastor for doing a great job on the blog.Please tell Jeana I hope she is feeling better and I am praying for her and the whole team. Thank you all so much for being the hands and feet of Jesus.Please hug some of those little children for me!
Rob Miller
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