Monday, January 16, 2012

We need time! By Jim Rhea ("Stretch")

There is a time for every season….but does it have to be this time?                                                                

Hello from the other side of the world!  I will “try” to share about my experience so far. My excitement of being here with the team is high, but the opportunity to be with the children I’ve bonded with is so much greater. 

These precious ones who pray for me every day, who communicate their love in words and actions that frankly are overwhelming... Do you know what they want from me? It’s the same thing that I want. TIME!
                                                                                                                                                                                                         We are now in Thailand but my most of my heart needs to catch up with me. For me it seems that we we're only there a few hours. To be asked to stay longer and to return every time is very emotional. There was a line in a song that said “All I ever wanted was someone to care for me, someone who’d always be there for me,even in my darkest hour”. Pray with me that I will not  let them down. 

From Wiang Pa Pao, where we have already had a wonderful day with these little ones, may God alone lead us in His way. Now it is time to go. 


Hi, I'm Jim Rhea or "Stretch" to many of you. It is a great joy and privilege to be on this team representing the Lord Jesus Christ and His people. I live in the country, love outdoor activities--hiking, motorcycling, the mountains, God's creation. I came to Christ as a nine year old and He has led me to serve in areas that often involve youth or as I like to say, "foundational ministry". This is exactly what we will be about on this journey, i.e. widows, orphans, those truly in need. Pray for us that God will be honored.


Anonymous said...

We were blessed Sunday at Grace with a video of the Team. My thoughts were of the war that go’s on for the soul… Where would these kids be without Grace Place etc. I thought of the importance that teams go regularly to be in touch, to play and pray with these children.

I thought of what happens when the children are older? I think the indigenous worker there whom I can’t recall his name, mentioned “University” I think it important also of how I can help the children in that as well.

I continue to think and pray for you all. Thank you “Stretch” even though I don’t know you, thanks for being there for the kid’s and being there for the rest of us,! Lord willing I will also go some day…

Jeana Harley said...

Hey, Friends. I am sorry for not commenting until now, but I want you to know that I have been faithfully praying for you. Even though my heart yearns to be with you, I am so excited that you are there and you can finally experience this on a whole new level. I know you "get" it in a way you just can't until you are there. I am so happy for you because I know the life change that is happening in you right now. I know you have touched our kids, and that they have touched you. You will never be the same. Isn't is great! We look forward to seeing you and hearing from you when you return.

Pastor Daron said...

Praying that we all glorify the Lord as best we can to serve and to help the future generations of believers to come from the rescued orphans. May our Lord give us His strength to honor our commitment.

I praise God for your desire to care for these children with all you are Stretch.