Thursday, January 05, 2012

We are in Cambodia!

This will be a quick post to let everyone know that we arrived safely in Phnom Penh. It's past 2 am now and we are all nicely placed in our hotel rooms. I need to try to get some sleep but how can I when RAD got Dave Coz and Billie Holiday on? Seriously... No, don't get me wrong. I like that stuff!

We have an early morning start later and a busy day ahead, visiting Toul Sleng (the genocide museum here) and the killing fields. Please pray for stamina for the whole team. It will be hot and sweaty.

Thanks for your prayers!

Pastor Ivanildo C. Trindade


Brianna said...

Hi All!
So glad to hear you made it there. Praying even right now for good rest in your hotel before hitting the ground running tomorrow. So excited for what God is preparing to do through and in you all in the next two weeks. I had lunch with Sarah D. today and we prayed for you.

Bill T. said...

Hello everyone, Bill Tiano here. Looking forward to seeing photos and hearing your stories! Been sharing a bit with the coworkers about my son Carlin being in Cambodia. “Where, who, WHY !? “ is the reply so far...

I attempt to explain, saying it’s with our church. That’s part of what we do… That we support an orphanage there to reuse exploited or impoverished children. That it’s part of growing as a follower of Christ, etc… So your trip has given opportunity to share these things...

We will continue to pray for you all.

Bill Tiano

Anonymous said...

I will TRY to not be jealous while I follow you guys. Know that I am praying! Cannot wait for stories and pictures!! :)

~Trish Walker

Anonymous said...

Praying for you guys!! Excited to hear about your trip. Love, Ryan & Kim Hochstetler.

Anonymous said...

Hello to everyone from Ohio. We are praying for you all to have a smooth adjustment to Cambodian time and culture. Especially for your emotional day at Toul Sleng. Can't wait to hear your responses when you finally get to meet the kids and soak up all of their love and hugs!!! Please pass out some extras to Phalla Ly from the Lemon family. - Melissa

Polly said...

So cool to be able to follow your progress and know that you have arrived safely. I'm not too savy with computer so excited to be in touch. Many prayers and love to all for giving time to our kids. Please give warm hug to VINDA from Dave, Polly and Michael. Thanks.
Blessings to all.
Polly Kreiling