Saturday, July 14, 2012

Thoughts from Sarah. . . July 7th

Meet Sarah Herman
Hi! My name is Sarah Herman. I am a desktop publisher at Wayne College, in Orrville.  I attend four14 at Grace Brethren and co-lead a LIFE Group.  I am excited to go to Brazil to serve the people there, and grow in my love for the Lord.

July 7th:

 On Saturday, July 7, our team visited several homes out in the jungle.  At the first house, we met a native woman who is a Christian.  The local pastor and his team built her house and she has lived there about 30 years.  Her children live in the city and she asked us to pray for their safety.  She had an incredible witness—despite pressure from other natives to join a cult, she has stood firm in her faith in Christ.  She also does not go to church very often because of the distance.  I was impressed with her steadfastness even though she does not have consistent fellowship with other Christians.  We prayed for her to conclude our visit.

Another home we visited had a large boat being built out front.  It was truly a work of art.  Soon we met the builder, a man named Walter, who lives there with his wife.  He said he’s been building boats for 20 years.  Pastor Ivanildo shared from the Word with him.  He did not receive Christ then but was very open and honest with Ivanildo.  Please pray for Walter’s salvation.

Later we went for a swim in the Amazon which was a perfect ending to the day.  The water was very refreshing and we all had a lot of fun!  Thank you for partnering with us to share the gospel with the people of Brazil.  Your support is deeply appreciated.   

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