Saturday, July 14, 2012

Telling the story through pictures. . .

Playing with kids before the church service in Belem

Making balloon animals and inviting people to come to the church service later

The church band singing praise songs

Scot giving his testimony and Pastor Ivanildo translating

Rebekah giving her testimony and Jay translating
The beginning of the drama we are doing for the churches

Continuing the drama

After dealing with so much sin, we can't handle it and try to reach for God

Pastor RAD giving a sermon while Pastor Ivanildo translates

Group picture with the team, the church, and Bruce Triplehorn
Pictures with more people after church

Another group picture at dinner with Bruce Triplehorn

Saying good-bye at the airport to Raymond's family (he's one of our drivers who stayed with us in Mauricia--what an amazing guy!)

Meeting everybody at the airport and getting instructions from Ivanildo

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