Monday, November 24, 2008

Heading Back to Bangui

Today is my last day here in Berberati. Tomorrow (Tuesday) Tom and I will make the long journey back to Bangui. It usually takes around 10 hours but we got a lot of rain today so we will see how bad the "roads" will be. Please, be in prayer for a safe journey.

Today we finished the digging project for new water lines and electric lines between the shop and the houses. We dug approximately 800-900 ft. of ditches. My new trainees did most of the digging and they did very well. We worked in very hot conditions (over 100 degrees) and today we worked in rain. My prayer is that God will use this machine for His glory. I also pray that my impact goes farther than a machine, but impacts the lives of those I worked with.

Yesterday was a day of much needed rest and worship. In the afternoon we visited the orphanage where Jeana met a precious little girl in 2006 whose mom died from AIDS. Unfortunately, we did not find her and all indication is she is now a permanent resident of Heaven. The conditions of this orphanage are actually worse than before. The corruption is breathtaking, they held food back and sold clothes given to them by ICDI. The only hope for these kids is your prayers. This again shows the huge impact of ICDI and its care of orphans.

I got a check up on my finger and it is doing well, although it is a little painful each time when my finger is tugged and poked. Thanks for your prayers!!

In His Service
[Blogger's note: though I have not seen or talked to him, I heard it from reliable sources that Rick is back in the U.S. and doing well. Welcome home, Rick!].


Anonymous said...

Tim and Tom,

Sounds like you guys have had an exciting and fruitful time! I'm sorry to hear about your finger Tim. Tom did warn us abaout pointing while in the CAR, I see what he means now.......

You guys are in my prayers for a safe trip back to Bangui and a safe trip home. I found myself wishing I was there with you guys several times.Looking forward to hearing more when you get home. Great job on the blog Tim!!! (and Ivanildo for posting)

God Bless!!

Please Tell all my friends I said hello!!!!

Anonymous said...

Praying for a safe had 100 degrees and we have cold and prepare yourselves. :)
We will also pray as you share your heart and experiences...Jeana shared with me Sunday night about little Makayla and that she is with Jesus now and whole. Her story will touch many for the gospel and will help those like her. I still see her face from the slides you shared with us.
Blessing to you,
Celeste Kern for all the Kerns