Monday, November 24, 2008

Going to the 'Zoo' in PAMA

While in Pama, of course, we were the main attraction. Everyone came to see the white man and where he sleeps. Kind of like going to the Zoo to see how the animals live. One little girl and her friends came around every day to see the white men. She liked to shake my hand and then just watch. The last day I gave her a ball, it was fun to spend time with her teaching her how to catch this funny looking ball we call a footbal. Over the course of a half an hour she went from not being able to catch it to catching anything I threw at her. She was queen for that night because of a little Ohio State football she would take home. She came back the next morning to see us leave so I thought we could pray for this girl. I know her family is of the Muslim faith but I pray that God will use her interaction with me as a seed for the gospel.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

A beautiful encounter!!! Thank you for being there to play and share God's love to her and so many others.
Celeste Kern