Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Double [Good] Whammy

[Blogger's note: it's not every day that we get a glimpse of how God works by hearing two sides of the same story the way these two notes from Tim & Jeana Harley do. I asked permission to post Jeana's note here because it touches our heart in a way that only a wife who loves her husband and wants nothing but see him totally fulfilled in God's purpose can do. I hopy you will be blessed by reading this as I was].

Tim's note:
Hello to all.

I have been busy the last two days training 3 guys to operate the John Deere skid steer machine and all it various functions.

They are excited to learn and at times it is hard for me to get them off because they are enjoying themselves so much. One guy told me it was like getting a new bike -- you don't want to stop because it is so much fun. Another one thanked God for bringing me here with the machine to teach them.

I think after two days of training they are beginning to see how this machine will help them help their country.
There is always a lot of activity here at ICDI. Every morning before work 50-60 employees start their day singing to the Lord and having a Bible Study. After that they all scatter to various projects around the garage.

The dry season is just starting so they are preparing all the trucks to head out to start drilling more water wells. Along with the water well drilling, ICDI also has an orphan care center here for the orphan care groups in Berberti. Then there is another department that is devoted to Agricultural work. Their goal is to develop highly nutritional crops that can be taken to villages to become a source of food for desperatly hungry people. They have different kinds of beans, corn, tropical fruit, banannas, and many other things. It exciting to partner with an organization that is meeting essential needs, including spiritual ones, of people in this struggling country.

Thanks for your continued prayers.

In His Service


Jeana's note:

I couldn't help but cry as I read Tim's email and saw the pictures of him instructing the Africans about the skid steer. If you only knew how far Tim has come and how so very proud I am of him and how he is serving the Lord in Africa. Going to Africa was my thing. Tim wasn't sure at first, but he was open to whatever the Lord had for him.
I knew the first meeting between Tim and Jim Hocking was certainly arranged by God. I have watched over the last three years how Africa has become "his" thing. It has become his dream and his passion. He gets so excited talking to his suppliers here and arranging for supplies to be sent to the drill team in the CAR. To finally be with them and using his area of expertise, I know thrills his heart. He often wondered how God could use him. It is so cool to see him realize it now.

This experience Tim is having today comes through his desire to be used by God however and whenever He so chooses. He is living proof that God will use whatever we give Him to further His kingdom. It makes me want to give Him more and more.

Thank you for investing in us so we can invest in others. I so dearly pray that many many people will come to a saving faith in Jesus Christ through this ministry and any ministry He may have for us in the future.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Dear Pastor Tom, Rick and Tim,
We are praying for you and so thankful for all you are able to accomplish. How awesome it is to know you 3 and to see pictures of you using your abilities and energies in Africa with dear people there.
We are so thankful that Rick and the african gentleman are feeling better and we praying for that to continue for all of you.
We are also praying for your dear families as you are apart.
God bless you with strength and wisdom and peace.
Greetings to our partners in Pama from wooster.
Celeste Kern