Thursday, August 09, 2007

Say "Hello" to the SAT Phone

Hello everyone,

This afternoon I received a phone call from Pastor Tom on the SAT phone. Yes, the phone did arrive at the village of PAMA some time today. It is working for phone calls and they were going to try to hook it up to the computer.

Tom wanted us to know that everybody is doing well (except for a few "runs" here and there, if he knows what he means, due to the change in diet). The team has spent quite a bit of time with the villagers and today Jillian and Sue were involved with helping with some health issues at the clinic. Jim, Jana, Sarah and Sonia were able to help with some literacy classes and the rest of the team was out making visits in the village.

They were able to finish one wall in the school building but progress has been slow because of the rains. He believes the village will be able to use the building by fall.

He also said they have been able to be an encouragement to Pastor Gaston. Later I got an e-mail from Jim before he returned back to the U.S. and he asked us to pray for a better response on the part of the village people to our partnership with them.

Tom said the team is in good spirits and he will continue to call with daily updates, as long as the SAT phone is working.

I encourage all of you to continue to pray and to write notes of encouragement to the team, as they certainly will be reading them by this coming Monday or Tuesday.

Thank you for your prayers,

Pastor Ivanildo Trindade


Anonymous said...

It was so good to hear about the team and that everyone is doing fine. I just read Jim Hocking's blog - what a testimony. We are praying for all of you every day for physical and emotional strength, and for God to use you in a great way in the lives of the people at Pama. I'm sure you are all such a wonderful blessing to those needy folks. Hope to hear from you soon and that the SAT phone will enable you to communicate again. We miss you and love you (especially the guy with the funny hat and hair on his chin :)!!!

Deb, Austin and Lindsay

Bob: Lindsay made the tennis team and will be 1st or 2nd singles on JV - she is pretty excited. Austin is doing well with his golf game. They both start their seasons next week. We love you and miss you. Debbie

Anonymous said...

Matt and Sarah,

WE continue to pray for you and the entire team. I have been waking during the night and praying for you as your day is beginning. I am sure God is doing great things with your hearts as you see a part of our world that is so incredibly different than most of us here can even imagine!

Mom Carter

Anonymous said...

Chad and Natalie,
We are praying for you each day. I will head out to get your room ready today. Don't worry about a thing.
It has been so incrediable for me to read out the things you are seeing and experiencing. I will pray for strength and health. MAy God bless you ministry.

Anonymous said...

Hey Matt and Sarah,
Just wanted you guys to know that we are all thinking of you (especially Bekah with her "Twin Connection", or TC as we now call it:) and praying for you both daily. May God give you grace each day to see Him and meet your challenges with joy.
Love Elizabeth

Unknown said...

Hello everyone,
We are continuing to pray for you all and for the ministry there. We are thrilled to know you have a phone and hopefully computer hookup.
We love you all and can't wait to catch up on all your experiences.
Love and Prayers from all the Kerns

Anonymous said...

Hey Beeze (Jillian), Just wanted you to know I'm praying for you. I have truly enjoyed reading the blogs every day and usually end up sitting here with tears in my eyes as I try to comprehend what you must be feeling and experiencing. I know that God is with all of you but I can't help but worry a little, as your mom, for your health and safety. It gave me comfort to see the picture of the team and see Sue standing behind you:-) Thank RAD for all of the wonderful and descriptive entries. His heart is exposed in every one. I love you kiddo and miss you tons! See you in a week. Love, Mom

Ryan said...

Continuing to pray for strength, sense of purpose, and unity among the group. Also praying for teachable spirits in your group mainly that you would allow and be open to the differences and uniqueness of each believer in that culture knowing that the same Spirit at work in them is also at work in us as well

Continue to let the Holy Spirit have the reigns~

Ryan C

Unknown said...

Hi Jill
It is good to hear that you are the official nurse in the clinic. Did you take along your STNA certification papers in case your clinic gets inspected?

Sweet corn is ripe, the tomatoes are delicious. We look forward to sharing these when you get home.

We miss you and love you. We pray for you.
Grandma and Grandpa