Thursday, August 16, 2007

The Longest Leg of the Trip

RAD had one more entry, which he characterized as "Pastoral Therapy." In it he described the various intestinal trials which several team members were going through, including himself, Jillian, Chad, Matt and Pastor Tom (virtually everyone except Sonia, Jim, Natalie and Sue).

He remarked on the fortitude of Jana Slater: "Jana Slater continues to an incredible trooper. Her health has been up and down for days now, and yet I continue to see her and Dave putting their two best feet forward. It has been a real blessing having them both to rub shoulders with over these many days." He speaks very well of all the team members and wishes with them that they were already home.

He thanks everyone who has posted comments on the blog: "Thanks to so many who have left us comments on the blog, they were like rays of sunshine and hope to our team as we continue to live on for the glory of Christ" and he says that without exception everyone can't wait to get home.

It was raining a lot (again!) when RAD was having his "therapy session" so he wanted us to see the view as he looks out his door.

In just a couple of hours (it's almost 7:00 a.m. in Bangui already) the team will stand in line at the Air France office and get their luggage checked in. Then they will go back to the house they are staying in and wait until the time their flight will depart to Paris.

I would like to ask you to pray for the health of our team and for a safe, quick and uneventful trip back home. We are very proud of the work they did in the CAR on behalf of the "least of these."

Please, keep checking the blog as it will remain open and fresh for the next two weeks.

With God, for the nations,

Pastor Ivanildo Trindade

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi everyone! I don't know if you'll have a chance to see these comments before you get back to Wooster, but just in case I wanted you to know that we are praying for you and a safe and uneventful trip home! It is just about 5 PM here, so I'm guessing you're sitting on the plane in Bangui waiting for take off. We're really anxious to hear from you and see how this trip has impacted your lives!

Dad and Mom Carter