Monday, August 06, 2007

Let the "Fun" Begin...

Bloggers intro: RAD sent this entry to Steph's ( his assistant) e-mail. She forwarded it to me early this morning but I never got it. I happened to be in the office late this afternoon and she asked me if I had received it. When I said "no," she resent it to me and this time I got it. It is the last entry just before the team started the trip to PAMA. Notice that even if the SAT phone is not working (to send e-mails), I am hoping to get a few phone calls (on a cell phone) from Pastor Tom, updating us on their activities. And I will post those updates on the blog as soon as I receive them. Please, know that we are doing the best we can to keep you all informed. Please, keep praying! Also, for all the relatives out there: you ought to know that though conditions at the village of PAMA will be rustic, there is no imminent danger to the team. They will be safe, Lord willing, and will receive the best possible care that the local ICDI team can possibly give them. I was in that village last summer and came back to tell the story! And the girls will be able to find a way to ensure their privacy. Read on... PRAY, PRAY, PRAY. Pastor Ivanildo Trindade.

PS.: RAD included a note to Adam saying that they prayed for him with his responsibilities both in the services as well as at four-14 last night.

Dear Family and Friends,

Looks like this is my last entry for the better part of a week as we won't be back to Bangui until next Monday and as it stands right now, the SAT phone simply will not work and this is not like home, we can't just run down to Radio Shack and pick-up another one:). Let me encourage you to stop by the blog in a day or two and maybe something will have worked out but I'm not very optimistic.

I'll probably continue to write some entries while in the back country, so come about Monday bring a cup of coffee to sit down and catch up on life here in Africa. Today I'm jotting a quick note from the ICDI office while waiting for a driver for one of the trucks to take us into the back country. It has been a totally frustrating morning. It's about a six hour drive to Pama, we were hoping to leave by 9:00 but make that noon instead. We've stopped at the office to pick up some sort of paperwork that is necessary to travel where we are headed and so I'm seizing an opportunity to send a "YO!"

Leaving at12:00 wouldn't be a big deal except in the back country there is no electricity and it gets dark about 6:30 and it looks like we'll be setting up our tents in a totally new place, new culture (tribal), in complete darkness except for the flashlight and lanterns that we have brought with us.There is nervous excitement amongst the team about this next phase of our journey.

Some things to pray over the next week would be for bathroom facilities. Tom informed us last night that a new latrine has been dug where we are going; however, there are no walls, fence or anything else to give you a bit of privacy while you squat, because there are no seats only a hole. Needless to say the gals on our team are more than a little concerned about this dimension of the trip.

Another prayer request would be for the mosquitoes. The village of Pama is by a river and so the bugs will most likely be much worse than they have been in Bangui and many of the team are already sporting several mosquito bites and I could tell in their voices last night at devotions they are somewhat concerned.

Finally, the largest prayer request on my screen is just the possible general emotional breakdown of the team over the next week. It has been nice being in Bangui as it has afforded us a bit of a slower integration into the culture; however, each of us is fully aware that beginning tonight all comfort zones get kicked to the curb. We will be sleeping in tents, all under one room sort of commune style, it has been raining almost constantly in the village is the report that Tom received today, and the challenge of having no quiet place to retreat to, as people and children of the village will be hanging around with us just about 24/7 for eight days. I fear might possibly push to the end of ourselves. So I'm simply praying for my strength as I lead the team and that each person will find their "quiet place" in Christ over this next week or so.

As far as the team as a whole goes, health is good, all bodily functions are in check (you can expand that sentence in your own mind:) and it's been very sweet watching the Lord deepen the friendships and hearts for one another on the team. It has been a true blessing to be able to be out here representing our Lord and our church.

Thank-you family of Grace for making this trip possible and for standing with us in the journey. Well, the driver just arrived and so I've got to jet, or truck slowly would really be the more accurate description, so on behalf of all our team members we send thanks, hugs and kisses and much love to our family and friends who have been interceding and journeying with us. Hopefully we'll talk again soon!



Anonymous said...

Maybe you will not get this for awhile but we are praying and send love and prayers to all. Thank you so much for going and for being willing to really rough it and show compassion in our Lord's name. We can't wait to hear about all that will happen and the love that will be shared.
Steve and Celeste Kern

faye said...

We're praying for you! Thanks for your willingness to go and sacrifices you have made for the people there at Pama and at Bangui. I think God is expanding your territories and giving you a blessing. I can relate to the fishbowl style of living there. You know, you actually get use to it or immune to it after a while.
Faye Hocking

Anonymous said...

The student ministries department is praying for you guys. RAD, your words bring to life as much as could possibly be imagined while not being there. Sitting here in our comfortable living room and reading this overwhelms my emotions too. We love you guys and we are praying every day for you. Keep on Running - Nick & Vicki Cleveland

Ryan said...

"Jesus by the power of the Holy Spirt, the Spirit you left here on earth for us, I plead on behalf of our brothers and sisters tonight. I plead protection, emotional stability, courage, defense against temptation and I pray specifically against the spirit of division; you alone are our strength, provider, protector, sustainer; you alone carry the hope for the World;

You are all loved and covered-

Interceding in Fl.

Ryan C

Anonymous said...

Praying God will sustain you, love you, protect you and do more than you can imagine, as you keep on working for the Lord.
In His care and our prayers!
Love you all!

Anonymous said...

Wow! This trip sounds incredible! Know that we are praying for you as individuals and as a team as you travel and share God's love with these people. Thank you for having the courage to go and be the light to this part of the world.
Tammy and Chris

Anonymous said...

I greatly anticipate your next entry (or series of entries if the SAT phone continues to misbeahave)! My prayers are with you all; I am in awe of your experiences and can't wait to hear them from each of you when you return. four14 is praying for you, especially for team unity and strength in such trying conditions.
I know your willing hearts and compassionate spirits are such blessings to the people of the CAR, as they are to us here in Ohio!
~Steph Howell