Thursday, February 15, 2007

We Have a Plan!

It's been a while since I wrote on this blog. The previous entry was made by the talented Laura Gibson, who is the coordinator for the internationals ministry at our church and will be blogging on behalf of the team we are sending to the CAR.

You should know by now that our church has a team that is leaving for the CAR today. This is a continuation of a dream that many of us have to see Wooster Grace more actively involved in helping the poor and suffering around the world.

As you recall, we came back last fall with heavy hearts and disturbing voices, as we saw the extent of the devastation, especially in the lives of women and children in the CAR. We came back with a resolve to act and act we did!

After much prayer and deliberation on the part of many, our church has agreed on a plan of action. Here is a summary of that plan:

We will seek to establish a three year village partnership in the CAR.

For the next three years (2007-2009) we will seek to contribute financially to help drill two wells and help fund some other village partnership projects.

I. Wells

Funding for the wells (at about $12,000 a piece):

Well #1 will be funded through the mission budget at our church. We got funding for the first one approved already!

Well #2 will be funded through raising extra funds, whether through VBS, individual contributions, or giving to Touching Tomorrow. Any contribution toward this second well will be “above and beyond” what people are already giving to the local church.

II. Village Partnerships

Funding of the village partnership projects:

Other village partnership projects will be funded by asking ABF’s to partner with us. Each year for the next three years ABF’s will be asked to contribute up to $900 per year toward village partnerships. These projects will include building latrines, closing up springs, helping get pharmacies started, and encouraging agro-forestry work. Our goal is to have 10 ABF’s participating. There is no obligation to participate and ABF's are encouraged to continue with their current partnerships with missionaries and whatever they decide to do will be “above and beyond” what they are already giving to the local church.

III. Short-term teams

We will seek to send two teams to the Central African Republic every year during the next three years.

The 2007 proposed teams are:

1. A medical/children outreach team to work with Dr. Yalipendi’s AIDS and patient care work in Bangui and assist with village partnership among Pygmies outside of Bangui. This team would be in the CAR in February/March of 2007. Pastor Tom and Tim & Jeana Harley would be part of this team.

2. A young adult team to work with village partnership and evangelism in Bayanga in August 2007. Pastor RAD and Dave & Jana Slater would be part of this team.

IV. Orphan Work:

We will promote and encourage families from our church to sponsor orphans through Project Hope and Charity. This project is ongoing and not limited to the three year partnership proposal. To get information, go to
Pastor Ivanildo Trindade

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