Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Reveling in my role

Note from Laura: For those of you following the blog regularly, you may or may not have realized that one of our original team members, Barb Teach, was unable to go out with us as she was in the ER the night before with the flu. But God was good and she was able to come out a week later to join us in our work here. Here are some of her initial thoughts after arriving here:

"Well, after 10 years, I made it to Bangui, in the CAR. The team time is precious as we share devotion time together each day. Today was Zachary's turn. He chose to share John 3:16-17.
The heart of our mission is the heart of the gospel. The message and motivation are in those Scriptures. To see Dr. and Mrs. Y and the sacrifices, hardships and devotion to their call to serve the African people make my small acts seem like nothing.

This morning going to church, the music was delivered with such joy and love. It was easy to spend time in praise to Jesus without understanding all the words, but the Spirit was the same. So many loving, generous people were at church. The adults worshiped inside while about 150 children had class outside. This worship is touching the heart of our God.

The lesson was on Revelation 3:1-6. The congregation made us feel like home. I pray when I get back to Grace I will be as friendly and encouraging as my African brothers and sisters.

I miss my precious grandchildren, but Valerie and Zac let me be grandma. Also touching these precious children here has been great. I know God chose me to be the designated grandmother of the group. I love my role on the team. Praise God I made it to the CAR."

Barb Teach

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

We are praising God you made it to Bangui, also! It's not surprising that you are the team "grandma." Love and Prayers.