Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Not a Goodbye but a Beginning...

Clinic before and after

Sorry for the brevity of this entry, but I am trying to write it with only 10 minutes before we head out to the pygmy village. Today we ended our time renovating Dr. and Mrs. Y's clinic. You can see from the before and after picture, as well as the picture on an earlier blog how much the room has been transformed. It has fresh white walls, a newly tiled floor, baseboards up, window and frames. It will soon be ready to be used as a dental office.
Laura hard at work
As rewarding as it was to see the room transformed in a week, it has been even more rewarding to see the beginning transformation in the heart of Dr. and Mrs. Y. We truly have a friendship with them now and we know that Christ's love has touched them this week. As we prayed one last time today, it was really quiet and hard. Susan said how that room would forever be a reminder of us and our time there. I told them as we were leaving, "This is not goodbye, this is just the beginning." And I believe it is. God has begun a good work in them and I do believe He will be faithful to complete it. I ask all of you back home to pray for their work here, but most of all for their hearts and souls to be won by Jesus Christ.

Today, we will begin the second phase of our ministry out at the Pygmy villages. These people truly are the poorest of the poor. Even the little they do have is not really their own. Anything of value they do have is most likely going to be taken by other Central Africans. Pray that we can show the love of Christ to them this week through helping build a latrine, spending time with the children, and showing the Jesus film. Pray that Christ would penetrate their hearts with the truth of the gospel through it. We must truly believe and remember that through CHRIST all things are possible.

Laura Gibson


Anonymous said...

Thanks for the update! We have been praying for you and the group. God has really done some great things through all of you.
Thanks for representing Jesus and our church to the people of C.A.R.

Anonymous said...

Laura and team,
Wow what a transformation to the office. But even more exciting is the transformation in the hearts for Jesus! Please know you are being lifted in prayer that God's love will continue to flow from you to those you meet. Thanks for being my feet and hands!
Pat Knight