We continued working on renovations at Dr. Y's clinic today. It's amazing how much time and effort painting, putting a new sink in , and tiling a room can take when you don't have the materials and expertise we have in America. But it has been so good for us as a team to be creative and work together. More than that though, our time this week at the clinic has touched the lives of Central Africans we work with and they have blessed us with their hard work and joyful attitudes.
When we met Dr. Y's wife, Susan, she was clearly in deep despair and frustration about life here. She felt hopeless and annoyed with this culture. Most things she said conveyed these feelings
. I had felt a burden for her before I had left the States and now I knew why. I have prayed that the Lord would work in her life and especially use Jeana and myself to spend time with her and show her Christ's love. And then, we had the one afternoon that the power was out and Jeana and I couldn't clean, so we visited with her for several hours. I believe that was truly the turning point for her. She vented to us all the hardships and struggles of being here and we affirmed her:yes, it was a struggle here, but the Lord must be so blessed by their sacrifice and that He would give her the strength she needed each day.
Since that day, it has been as if there is a slight lifting of a dark cloud from this woman's life. She has said to me many times, "Laura, you don't know how much you all have boosted our morale. You have brought so much cheer into our lives. It was as if my batteries were dead and you have recharged me." It is amazing to see what God can do in the life of a person in just a mere couple of days if we allow Him to use us how He calls us and we respond. It was no one act that any of us did that changed Mrs. Y's demeanor, it was all of us listening to the Holy Spirit's prodding of how to encourage and show the love of Christ to these people.
We had
When we asked Dr. Y what kept Him going here amidst the struggle and despair, he said He knew that God had a specific task for him to complete in His life and He was just trying to follow that. Although, we are still unsure of exactly where they are spiritually, there is at least a belief in one God who has a purpose for their life.
This is a good starting point at least. It has been a privilege to enter into the lives of these two people that God has put in our path. They have touched our lives with their hearts and their passion for these people. And I know we have touched theirs with Christ's love. He has allowed us to sow seeds of the gospel into their lives that have brought a lift to their spirits and a glow to their faces. Praise the Lord for His goodness and faithfulness.
Laura Gibson
Blogger's note: I remember very well the day we first met Dr. Y and his wife at their clinic. They were so eager to show us their work. I asked Dr. Y if any church had ever stopped by to see if they could do anything to help. He laughed with those kinds of laughs that seem to say: "You're kidding with me, right?" Then he said: "No. You are the first church to show interest in what we are doing." At the end of our tour, Tim Harley, who is there in the CAR now, suggested that we pray for their work. Mrs. Y agreed. At the end of the prayer, she was visibly emotional and thanked us. We were the first group ever to pray there for them and their work. There were two "firsts" there in that little clinic in Bangui and I am glad that we didn't simply pray, said God bless you, and left. We came back and are actually making a difference. Here is a connection for you: it's because of funds given to our church for missions that we are able to help renovate a room at that clinic in Bangui. Dr. Y showed us the room last year. He told us what he wanted to get done. God provided the funds and we have a team now in the CAR and they are almost done with the work in the clinic. Don't tell me we can't make a difference, even in the CAR!
God bless you all.
It is so encouraging to hear of the impact you are having, and so meaningful to the Wooster church folks who are praying for you and for the work in CAR to know that the AIDS clinic work is proceeding so well. Your presence is a testimony to the work of the Lord both there in CAR and also in the hearts of GBC folks. Our prayers are for your continued safety, health and effectiveness in the days to come, that the Lord Jesus may be glorified through your love.
I'm glad it not only hard work:)
Liz Rocha
Been praying for all of you!!!
You all are doing a great job! Thank you for representing Jesus and WGBC! Can't wait to hear in person reports!
Steve Kern
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