Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Signs of Hope

Jeana and Laura's "apprentices"

Today we worked at the clinic. Laura and I cleaned a surgical room and a patient's room. Two African men helped us. Part of our job was to instruct them on how to clean these rooms so they can do it themselves from now on. The guys hammered holes in the floor to create a textured surface so that it is prepared for tiling. I think they had fun despite the constant sweat.

Dr. Y and his wife are wonderful people, but we wonder what their motivation is. We plan to take them to dinner when we are finished. We asked them to tell us their story then. Please pray for Mrs. Y. She is not happy here right now, and I don't believe she is a Christian. Laura and I have been getting to know her, and she appreciates what we are doing here. Her children are in England. She hasn't seen them for three years. It is hard work here and they cannot take a vacation because there is nobody to take their place while they are gone. She has had some traumatic experiences here as well.

It has been great to be back here and see people we know as well as meeting new friends. I was really touched when we went to the Pygmy village on Sunday night to see how things were coming. Polly, the woman who let me use her "bathroom" when I was sick last time, greeted me warmly with a hug after I got out of the truck. After viewing the latrine area, Polly and I spoke to each other. I told her two of my children were with me, then introduced them. Another lady next to here proudly introduced her daughter. Then something very special happened. Polly took my hand as we walked back toward the road. It is a sign of friendship. I was amazed that she even remembered me. I must have made quite an impression or connection being sick last time. Either way, I was humbled. She was very excited to receive a picture of my family.

What a change in the people of this village since our last trip*. Hope replaced despair in their eyes. Joy replaced despondency. It was like night and day with these people. I am so glad God put these people in our path and in our hearts. What looked like a helpless situation has been turned into a hopeful one. Please pray for a chance to show them the "Jesus Film" and for more opportunities to plant seeds with them. I long to see Polly and her family in heaven!!!
Jeana Harley
*Blogger's note: I remember that village well and the people in it. In fact their story has been the inspiration to some of the things I 've written on this blog. My heart was filled with joy as I read Jeana's words. What a difference a little help can make. Yes, bring on the Jesus film!


Anonymous said...

Just to let you know that we are praying for you guys. Our weather has warmed up a little but we still have lots of snow. Glad things are going well. I don't know about Tim, Rob, and Tom, but it looks like it took all 3 of you to saw one little board while the ladies were doing all kinds of work cleaning.

Anonymous said...

Way to go team! You have been in our prayers and will continue to do so. People are reading the blogs because we had an update in the New Creation ABF. Keep up the good work and God will provide the strength. I look forward to reading the next news.

Dave Peters

Anonymous said...

I'm praying for you.
Praying for strength, health, and a diligent heart. With love,
Liz Rocha