Saturday, July 14, 2012

Thoughts from Liz. . . July 10th

Meet Liz Waggy

Hi! I’m Elizabeth Waggy, but you can call my Liz. I have been blessed with the opportunity to go on this trip. For those of you that don’t know me, I enjoy working with children - and hope this trip will give me some new insight on how to love, not only children, but everyone around me. I currently homeschool Safire and Milo (my niece and nephew), and help with child care at Wooster Grace. I still don’t know what the Lord has in store for me, but I know he has perfect timing. So I’m here now, doing what I can.

  Thoughts for July 10th:

There was one point of the day that really hit me. We were walking to go get food around 8pm (in the dark) when I noticed an older teenager/young adult standing next to a run-down building on the street. She was very beautiful and had her hair and make-up done just right but in the quick glance I got walking past I could tell her eyes were red from crying. No one was around her and she was talking unhappily on the phone. The only word I thought I heard was (here). My heart went out to her. She will never know how she made me feel. She reminds me of all the times I´ve tried so hard to do and be how others want me to be only to be left alone. People will do this to you all the time if you let them. I have a tendency to put other`s opinions before my my own and before God. She may or may not realize she is a wonderful person. How many people have walked passed her and don´t see her suffering ? How many people walk past me and don`t see my daily struggle wih temptations?

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