Thursday, April 10, 2008

The Surprise of the Day... these girls will make you laugh (and cry)

This is one of the main reasons we keep coming from Africa. Children like these orphans need advocates. They need someone who can speak for them. Like these two girls there are an estimated 100,000 orphans in Bangui. Most of them are not as blessed as these two little ones who are already sponsored (I could be wrong, but I think that Pastor Tom & Sue Peters are sponsoring these two precious girls).

If you want to know more about sponsorship, check ICDI, GBIM or ASIA'S HOPE's websites. ICDI does its orphan partnership in Bangui through an organization called Vision Trust, Int'l. GBIM (Grace Brethren) has its own orphan program called Project Hope and Charity in the CAR. The same is true of Asia's Hope (Thailand, Cambodia and Vietnam).

Pastor Ivanildo C. Trindade


Anonymous said...

Watching the video made me laugh, made cry and I praise God for all of you there!!!

Anonymous said...

Sorry I haven't commented in a few days. You remember what it's like over here in America, right? Lots of "busy" and lots of "distracting." But I have really enjoyed reading all the recent posts - the stories about the Dean, the photos of the baptism, little Dorcas, all the photos of my dear Bethany (whom it nourishes my heart to see, even in photos!) and all the good works you all are doing. I am sad about the trunk - I will not tell Naomi that her stuffed animals did not make it into the arms of the African orphans. But I know with all my heart that our Father does not make mistakes, nor does He overlook a single detail. Please tell Beth I love her!