Thursday, April 10, 2008

A Band Aid Party

I am back at the ICDI office. Blogging after a full day teaching. I preached in chapel again and them taught the rest of the day, pretty much.

Jeana and Beth just arrived from taking care of orphans and they are reporting that they had a wonderful time interacting with the kids. Beth gave one of the little girls a button that was missing on her shirt. She was self-conscious about it so when she got it she was so happy. What a difference a little button can make.

Jeana has been helping this little orphan girl, Dorcas. She is the only one left of her family, except her dad, and Jeana met on Monday and helped her with some bandages on her leg. She came back today to have her band aids changed. Just for the record -- they had a dozen or so band aids on her legs... Dorcas lives with her dad and because of that she has her hair very short. She said her dad does it that way because he works and does not have time to take care of her hair. I suspect he probably wouldn't even know how to do it, even he had time. Anyway, Jeana asked her if this bothered her but she said not. Jeana said that she looks very sad. She is new to the orphan care center and hopefully she will get more comfortable as she gets used to the workers and her new friends there.

Jeana said that tonight the orphan care group they were with had a sort of a "band aid party." They applied band aid on kids as long as they were there. Just about until the time that the ICDI worker told them that they had to leave. They also met a young man there who could not hear or talk. They helped him and tended to his wounds. He smiled as they helped him and Jeana was praying that somehow she would see him in heaven and they would be able to communicate freely.

They were able to give away one hundred crosses that had been manually made (a cross-stitch kind of a thing) by an 88 year old lady from California. She wanted to make crosses for children here in Africa to tell them that God loves them. What a wonderful testimony to the fact that there is no age or geographical limit when you are intent on sharing God's love with someone.

Pastor Ivanildo C. Trindade


Pastor Daron said...

One little button communicates a whole lot of love. I praise God for all your efforts, especially the small ones for you bring glory to God. Way to go, team!

Pastor Daron

Anonymous said...

Oi amor, espero que esteja tudo bem contigo agora. Foi muito bom conversar contigo ao telefone.
I just loved the video. What beautiful girls. A praise God for give such joy to these kids in a so very simple away. May they grow up knowing Him and I Do pray as Jeana did for that man that I will be able to see many of these beautiful faces in Heaven one day.
Jeana I love you and I appreciate your hard work there. May God Bless you always.
Beth, I am soooo proud of you. Thanks for keeping IVANILDO focus on the right thing there...