Sunday, April 13, 2008

Can I Make A Difference? By Tim Harley

"Can I make a difference? This is the question that first comes to my mind when faced with the incredible problems in the C.A.R. I enter this culture with an American mindset of wanting to fix things. In America we want quick fixes. T.V. shows solve complex problems in one hour. Talk shows give easy solutions to problems and there are one hundred ways to lose weight quickly, But there are no quick fixes here. Poverty, disease, corruption, abandonment, lack of food, are just a few of generational problems being dealt with on a daily basis. This is normal life here.

So I refine the question: Can I make a difference in two weeks? I believe the answer is Yes! To serve, love, touch, sacrifice, and laugh; to be Jesus to those I meet. I think of my time her like the boy in the gospels who pocked his lunch and came to hear Jesus teach. The disciples were faced with an impossible challenge given to them by Jesus. Feed over 5000 men in a remote location! The disciples did what I would do – they tried to calculate how to fix the problem on their own. And all they could come up with was a boy’s packed lunch.

Now, the difference is that they gave it to Jesus. Jesus took the bread and fish, fed over 5000 men, and there were still leftover baskets full of bread at the end. That boy made a difference that day, because he gave all he had to Jesus and He multiplied it impacting, thus impacting many others.

I want to be like that boy. I want to offer to Jesus all that I have. Sometimes I feel like I have much to offer Jesus. But I believe Jesus created me for a purpose. My prayer is: “Jesus, you know you know what little I have to offer, but I put all that I have into your hands.” Please, Lord, help my efforts to multiply and make a difference just like you took that boy’s lunch and fed a multitude.”

So it is with this attitude that I approach our trip. I want to work as hard as I can on the projects. I want to help the orphans of the Central African Republic. I want to encourage all those I come into contact with. I want to build relationships that will make a difference for eternity. I want everything to bring glory to Jesus. He will make the difference."

Tim Harley


Anonymous said...

Hi Tim and Jeana,
We missed you guys in class today...We prayed for you all.

Tim, your entry is inspiring, very heart felt and real - God bless you. Remember, nothing is impossible with God... Especially when it looks totally impossible through human eyes. We are all privileged to partner with such an awesome God. Yes indeed, to Him be the glory!

See you all soon,
Lisa M.

Laura G. said...

What a neat way to understand the story of the boy with the lunch that seemed so little. I KNOW first hand that you make an impact there, I've seen it! God has used you mightily and will cotinue to do so!! God bless you! May His glory shine through you more and more each time he takes you to Africa!