Saturday, February 19, 2011

"Master Yoda Speaketh"

Hello everyone,

What an exhausting day this was as we traveled six hours on the road from Phnom Penh to Battambang. The tean is beyond fatigued now and a couple of us are overwhelmed with the shock of a new culture, language, the heat, the new foods and a pace that is radically different from even the most hectic pace back home.

It's late at night here and I have a lot to share; however, I will let Matt Yoder, "Mutt" or "Master Yoda" share his thoughts for today. I was supposed to put a picture and a bio with this blog entry,but due to last minute repacking (due to RAD's being unable to come), I have yet to locate the flash card where these files are. Matt is a returnee to South East Asia He was here with our team last summer and all the kids now recognize him, as it was proved today. We can't begin to tell yo how happy the children were to see us. There are many pictures and stories, but for now let;s hear what "Master Yoda" has to tell us from the height of his second journey to Cambodia:

  • "Well folks, we made it to Cambodia. For some the trip seemed longer than others but we are all happy to be back on the ground. The first day in Cambodia went too fast. Poor Holly was a bit overwhelmed by the food and got sick, but was feeling better after we got underway to Battambang. It was great to see the kids again. They were all excited to see us. After visiting with the kids, we met Kevin and Jill Kane and Grace Place Cambodia leadership at a restaurant called The White Rose for supper. Thank you everyone for your prayers and responses on the blog. "

Matt Yoder


Pastor Daron said...

So great to hear from you all. As you slumber, may the Lord continue to help you acclimate and to rejuvenate your bodies and minds in the Lord. May the Holy Spirit comfort and heal you while you sleep. Sweet dreams!

Thanks for the post Master Yoder. "Great-work-you-did" :)

Pastor Daron said...

To pay homage to Master Yoda:
"Around the team members a prayer perimeter create"
So we shall.

brianna said...

Praying for you all. So happy to hear you've made it there safely and got to see the kids today. Praising God for you all as you do His work!!

lhinds said...

Hope you feel better mamaw & have a safe trip.

Diane Ohlsen said...

Late afternoon here, early morning there. Hope you new day is full of promise and great assistance to the kids and all. Thinking and praying for all. diane o.

Anonymous said...

So glad to hear your are well and that Holly is feeling better. We are following the blog and praying for you all. Give hugs to the kids and Faa and the Kanes. I know that is part of the journey...loving those along the way and we pray for His help as you journey!
Celeste and Steve
Peter and Elise Kern

RAD said...

Steady, steady, one day at a time. Just try and keep PACE:
Availability to the Holy Spirit
Communication with each other and your leader, and finally my favorite...
Encourage as you go, especially your team mates.

Maybe tonight you could all close out your night with making up a song that goes with the letters, R-I-C-E, or at least Harlene could write a poem or something:)

You never alone in this journey. . .

Anonymous said...

Glad to hear from you Matt.
We have been praying for all of the team. Good to hear the flight over was smooth! God Bless all of you as you work with the kids.
Dave & Nancy

Steve and Teri said...

Praying you have a great Sunday! Also praying for good rest for you, and good energy to keep up with that schedule!
Tell Kevin, Jill and Faa hello.
hugs to all of the kids ;)
Steve and Teri

Anonymous said...

Good to hear everyone is safe and hot lol! I will continue praying for you all and hope that God touches your hearts with all those amazing children. I think my heart is there with you all right now :( God Bless and good health! Hi Faa!!

Sarah Judy

Ben Framstad said...

So glad you guys made it safely. Have a great time delivering sponsor gifts tonight. Hug our orphans for us!