Sunday, February 20, 2011

Lunch Greetings

HOLA from Juana!! Wow, these last 24 hours have been full of emotions that would take long time to describe them. The 30 hours of trip were worth since the moment I was able to hugh the kids and spend time with them in the orphanage. I will never forget their faces and how they were so sweet with me!
Hello This is Harlene.  It has been an amazing experience so far!  Words back home don't adequately describe the experience of meeting the kids and feeling their love.  They sang and danced for us yesterday and this morning.  They are so graceful!  Thanks for all your prayers and concerns.  We are all well.  It is just very warm! 
Hi, its Tricia :) Our time here has been absolutely amazing!  I can't even handle the love & excitment from kids.  For the first time in my life I think, I am proud of my pale, white skin.  The kids will not stop touching it and comparing it to their's--I love it! 

Brad Warner here, I wish there was a way to express the emotions that are occurring here but you just can't put them into words. It's an amazing experiance and if you can make the trip it is completely worth it.

Hello from Stretch!!! I am overwhemled by the kids love,for I have missed them ssince leaving last year. Pray for all of us.

Hi from Jason.  The kids are amazing,  the food is amazing, and the team is great.  I miss you Ash, wish you were here with me.

Hello from Mike Ohlsen!!!  It is hard to expess how God has touched my heart with these kids.  It is just wonderful.  Grace keep up the good work.

Hello everyone this is Josh Graber!  I love everything about Cambodia... the food, culture, people... especially the kids!!  God is working here and is showing us all more of Himself...  I miss you all and i'll see you soon!

Soksobai everyone! Matt here. Just got done enjoying a delicious meal at 'A Cold Night' restaurant. It is sooo good to be back with the kids. Not too fond of the heat, but I'm dealing with it. There is some awesome lemonade that I don't know how to spell the name of. The restaurant happens to be right beside Brangelina's center here in Cambodia. The kids are so wonderful. Meng Houth is a great photographer. I let him carry my camera for most of the morning. I'm going to not like leaving.


Nick Cleveland said...

Praying for you guys! We are so thankful you could be there to express our love to the children!

RAD said...

Wow! Check you all out gone blog crazy! Great to hear from each of you. So it is a little hot? Soak it in baby, soak it in cause one day you'll be back in Ohio where it will be gray with a chance of gray, cold with a chance of colder:)

On another note, thanks esp much for showing up in the lives if our kids. Sort of the same thing wee would say to Jesus, "Thanks for showing up in our lives, Your kids." Praying as you go!

Pastor Daron said...

Getting ready for second service. I get to do announcements and lead the church in prayer for you all. May the Holy Spirit empower you for His service. Get a great night's rest. Hug all the kids for all of us.

Larry & Holly Clark said...

I'm praying for you all, sounds like God is having his way there. Tell Holly I'm very proud of her and that miss her. Keep pressing forward and keep the reports coming. I found out that my client in Columbus supports Asia Hope, and the team was the talk of the night around the table here in Naples Fl. God Bless

Anonymous said...

Love the comments and updates. Prayed for all of you at the Team Hope meeting yest morning. I get emotional just hearing about it all so hI can only imagine how you feel being there. Enjoy the blessing of it all even in your exhaustion. Can't wait for pictures! Love Diane T.

Betsy said...

Good morning! I am sitting here before church, and thinking of what you might be doing right now. I am praying for all of you, and my brother, Brad. I can't wait to hear of your experiences. Uncle Brad, Henry and George say hello.

Diane Ohlsen said...

Yes, there is a cold breeze this morning, wish we could share it. :)
Great to be in church this a.m. and hear the prayers sent to you all. diane o.

Sandy said...

I am smiling as I sit here reading all your snippets from the trip so far. You should all be sleeping right now and I am praying that it is a very restful sleep. Praying for Holly and those still adjusting to the heat and food. Give Kevin and Jill a hug for me. Can't wait to hear how God is working there and in your lives. Keep it up!