Saturday, June 26, 2010

Prayer Bulletin

This is not anything to be alarmed about, but, as expected, several of our team members have been feeling ill. Renee felt sick part of the day but is better now. Stephanie got sick to the stomach Saturday night but recovered quickly. She was quite pale on the bus trip from Grace Place, but I knew she was better the moment she did not refuse the chocolate I was passing around to the team! Todd was very tired yesterday but is feeling better. Matt Yoder got sick a little before lunch so he didn't eat anyting. He is feeling much better too. Finally, Lindsay is battling some stomack issues as well, so she needs to get some rest to be ready for tomorrow. Please pray that we will all experience healing and be able to accomplish what the Lord has for us here.

We spent most of the day with the children. Three of them celebrated Birthdays today. Being with them is like being in paradise. Their expressions of love, which we don't deserve, are way beyond our ability to comprehend... We are certainly most blessed for just being able to be here. I will post pictures later.

I better close before I fall over my computer from sheer exhaustion.

Pastor Ivanildo C.Trindade


Anonymous said...

Sending the G mail right up!! Praying for healing and protection for the whole Team! "For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms." Ephesians 6:12

Debbie Doerr said...

I'm smiling as I look at the great pictures of the team and the beautiful children. What a blessing to see how you all love on these kids and the appreciation and gratitude they have for you. Keep sending the pictures!! Hope those who were sick are feeling better (that includes you my sweet Lindsay!!) Praying for you all. Hugs and kisses to Bob and Lindsay from Debbie and Austin.

Anonymous said...

Praying for all! Please post when Melissa arrives with the Team. LOVING the pictures of the children, especially- keep them coming. Love,
Diane T.

Nick Cleveland said...

Great pictures! Praying for Lindsay to get rest and to begin feeling better soon.