Tuesday, February 02, 2010

Praying Before Meals

I have learned SO MUCH from these children already. They memorize Scriptures and recite them in unison in such a beautiful way. Even though they are from different nationalities, they memorize Bible verses in Thai (the language they use in school) and recite it together. Because the Thai language is a tonal language, the reciting actually sounds like music. Here in this video they are praying before their lunch. One child leads the way and they all pray together. Though you don't understand a word of what they are saying, it is so sweet to hear the prayer of thanksgiving that is coming from their little hearts. Every one of these children was without hope just a few months ago. They were destined for an uncertain life, some would end up in the hands of the thugs that control the sex industry, some would be slaves of an uncle or another unscrupulous relative. All were headed to an uncertain future. But now they have found hope in the love that is showered upon them by the staff at Grace Place. They are on their way to becoming somebody and our greatest hope is that one day they will become outstanding leaders of their country, men and women of God who will lead the way to help start a movement to incline the hearts of people in their country toward God. For this we toil without ceasing. Thank you for your part in this most worthwhile endeavor.

Pastor Ivanildo C. Trindade


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