Tuesday, April 28, 2009

"Mugged by Love"

Hi, Everyone!

I'm back to the Internet cafe where it's probably a cool 91 or 92!

Well - it's Tuesday here! We've had an incredible 24 hours in Cambodia so far. Yesterday afternoon we visited the first AH orphanage in Phonm Penh. Have you ever been mugged by love??? That was my experience! All 25 orphan children hugged and hugged and HUGGED me yesterday during my visit. They're just starving to be touched, held, hugged and loved. They sang "Shout to the Lord" and did a traditional Cambodian dance for me. Then we enjoyed more hugging and some fruit snacks. I also took a brief tour of the orphanage.

This morning - we visited the AH Christian School with 120 students from Pre-K - 6th grade ... more hugging and loving and hugging and loving! I have never experienced such deep gratitude and love from children in my entire life. They sang '"Lord I Lift Your Name On High" and other favorites. Then more hugging. Of course, I passed out candy - so that didn't hurt the hugging routine either!

I also met with several of the orphanage directors for a while to learn about the ministry. I'm so grateful that the Lord has allowed our church to participate in the launching of Asia's Hope and the establishment of this ministry!

This afternoon - we''ll visit three more orphanages with about 25 kids in each. Kaillie Dravenstott (from our church) arrived safely a few hours ago and will be here for about 3 months. I can understand her deep love for this ministry.

Savorn, the AH country director, has asked me to speak in Battambang at the dedication of our orphanage on Saturday and preach on Sunday - so please pray for those opportunities! I'll do this again when I can get back to the Internet cafe! Thanks so much for praying!!! Please continue to pray for health, safety and an effective ministry!

Pastor Bob

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