Thursday, January 12, 2012

"Leading the Angels in Worship" by Ed Tirakis

Imagine that you walked into heaven and one of the first jobs you were assigned was to lead the angels in worship. That was my dilemma on Sunday. As we entered the Asia's Hope compound we were met with the usual crush of smiles and laughter and 30 plus voices shouting "Hullo D'ddy! Hullo Mu'mmy!"

Just getting off the bus is an event. While trying to avoid stepping on little toes, two sets hands quickly take your right hand and forearm, two more sets take your left hand and forearm. Another set of hands grabs you from behind and you are immediately relieved of any baggage you might have had. Meanwhile anyone who is left is hugging you from the front. You have to shuffle your feet because you can't move any faster and you don't want to step on anyone. I got led into the Team Hope Pavilion and seated on the boys side of the room, meanwhile Diane was led to the girls side of the room. As the music started, I was surrounded by children smiling warmly at me and then they began to sing. I'm telling you this was a moment I won't soon forget. The children on either side of me were were gently caressing my arms and then the worship started.

Every tear in my eyes immediately left my face. I looked over at Diane and she had lost her composure. I have never felt so welcome, so special, so honored as I did in that moment and it occurred to me that I was getting an earthly glimpse of what heaven is really like.

I had been preoccupied with so many things. What song was I going to sing? Would they have a music stand? Would there be a microphone? Would the guitar be in tune? The kids were only concerned with two things. Worshiping God and serving our team. All the details I was concerned about immediately became irrelevant in light of these little ones' love and care for us. These kids worship like they do everything, passionately, purely, and with unadulterated energy! I have been leading worship for over 20 years. I have led countless thousands in worship in that time but this day I wasn't there to lead them in worship. They were leading me. My little offering of a song that morning while politely welcomed by them, was really the least important thing that happened that morning. I've struggled to put into words what being with these kids is really like and how one can become so attached to them in such a short time. Diane and I were left unable to process our time with these kids because it is so sweet and so bitter all at the same time. I heard this quote today during my study time.

"Beauty is unbearable. It drives us to despair because it offers us, for a moment, a glimpse of an eternity that we desperately want to stretch out overall of time." (Albert Camus)

As I watched the angels worship God this day I caught for a brief moment a beautiful glimpse into an eternity that I did not want to end.

Ed Tirakis
I am the Laboratory Manager at Wooster Community Hospital. I have thought about going to Cambodia and Thailand for a few years now but always saw too many reasons not to go. God worked on my heart, and now I desire very much to go and be with the children we are trying to help through Team Hope. My goals for the trip are the following:

1. Show God's love to all the kids.
2. Connect with Ry Vith, our sponsored child.
3. Learn how Team Hope can help these little ones and save more kids.
4. Help out in whatever ways I am able, i.e. lead worship.
5. Learn more about the culture of Cambodia and Thailand. 


Anonymous said...

Thanks, Ed. Your post was so well-written, I almost felt being there myself. I'm sure that everyone there enjoyed your voice as much as we do @ Grace. Bless, and be blessed. We'll continue to pray for you all. How great is our God.

Dave Sorg

Pastor Daron said...

So well put, Ed. I praise God for your presence there to see, hear, feel, and touch how real God's love is from those who felt least loved. Now I pray your passion for helping rescue more children will lead to God-sized opportunities.

I am praying for team health and stamina. Please let us know how to pray for you all. We love you!

Anonymous said...

Hope everyone on the "injury list" is fully recovered, or at least feeling better by now! So great to hear how each of you are being impacted in a unique way. May God continue to open and speak to your hearts in this last week. We'll keep sending the prayers, you keep giving out those hugs!!
Love to all,
Melissa and Lemon family

Anonymous said...

Ed and Diane,
Sounds like you are having an amazing experience! So much like what our family experienced. We also felt like we experienced a bit of heaven when we worshiped with the kids! Keep posting Ed.
Praying for all of you.
Carol Richardson