Friday, January 13, 2012

Before we go to Grace Place, Thailand

Hello everyone,

Today represented a bit of change in the crazy schedule our team has been keeping. We were able to spend time with the eight G.R.O.W. children under Sumitra (Faa)'s care. The girls had a makeover and the boys carried sand to the playground. Everyone joined in the work and the fun that came later on -- throwing balloons with a sling shot, taking pictures, swimming, shopping with the kids, eating ice cream and eating some of the best food we have eaten so far, courtesy of Beam, Faa's assistant.

But tomorrow it is back to the insane pace again as we head north to Wiang Pa Pao, where Grace Place, Thailand, is located. We will be riding on the back of trucks and sleeping in the "Bamboo Hilton." More later, but you will have to stay tuned because we will be without Internet for a couple of days.

Several of our team members are still dealing with some stomach related issues. I am feeling better but still lacking energy from little sleep. I am hoping I can resume running pretty soon, I haven't been able to for two days in a roll.

God's blessings on you all and keep the comments coming. We read them every day.

Pastor Ivanildo C. Trindade


Jan Yost (Traci's Mom) said...

For someone who refreshes the page every time I walk by my computer, Traci's mom is going to go crazy without your daily posts!
Prayers will still be sent your way!
Traci, momma loves you!

Anonymous said...

We are praying for all of you and those of you who are ill that God will speed your recovery and restore your energy.

We love reading your blog, and hope that one day...we can go too.

We love all of you, be safe.

Darla Spurgeon

Becca Miller said...

A big thank-you to Renee for acknowledging Brenden! Thank you, team, for so warmly welcoming him into your midst. Praying health for you all and energy and enjoy this time of your life! What a privilege to see God's handiwork in such a different culture.
Becca Miller