Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Back in Phnom Penh

Hello everyone,
We made it  back to Phnom Penh -- the longest bus trip ever. We arrived in a city that never sleeps because they have to stay awake for the crazy traffic on the streets. Everything is so crowded and seemingly small. The congested traffic in and around the city prolonged the trip by about two hours.

I didn't share this with the team but yesterday I witnessed a motorcycle crash on a busy street in Siem Reap. One guy simply rammed on the other and wiped out on the side of the road, pieces of his bike flying everywhere. Thankfully, both guys got up and drove away on their bikes, apparently with no scratches.

After arriving in Phnom Penh, we ate a late lunch at Lucky Burger, the closest you will get to a McDonald's here in Cambodia. We were so tired and hungry so it was good to get some food. A couple of our team members are sick so we ask you to pray for a quick recovery.

After arriving at the hotel, we went to the State run orphanage on the outskirts of the city and visited with about 150 children and staff at a facility I have been ministering at since 1999. More about that later, hopefully, but you need to know that the time with the kids there was outstanding, our team did extremely well and Kellie gave a wonderful testimony.

I have to go, but imagine about 120 kids opening the first Bible they've ever seen and learning how to turn it to John !4:6. RAD brought Kellie's message home with a bang.


Pastor Ivanildo C. Trindade

1 comment:

Jess Artrip said...

prayed for everyone this morning!