Monday, March 17, 2014

Airport Praise

Well, Tim made it through check-in without having to pay over-weight fees. When the attendant asked why I wasn't going, I told her I wasn't allowed because it was too dangerous in the CAR. Then Tim explained how he was going to help at a refugee camp and that is why he had so much food and supplies in his bags. She marked them "heavy" but just winked at us and said, "No charge. That's great what he is doing there."
Glad there are still big-hearted people in the world. This was an answer to pray because all 3 of his bags were over the limit. Tim decided this morning to just go ahead and throw in the rest of the beef jerky he plans to give to people there. He thought he could always take it out if the airline was going to charge him, but they didn't. So now, some unsuspecting people will be blessed with a source of protein and food in a few days!

Sent from my iPhone

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