Friday, April 09, 2010

Unable to post pictures...

I apologize for those who miss the pictures. I have some outstanding pictures from our crossing the Sinai yesterday and from our visit to Petra today. I tried to upload some at the hotel tonight but the connectivity is so slow. I am hoping and praying that it will be better in Israel.

Thanks for your patience!

Pastor Ivanildo C. Trindade


Anonymous said...

Thank you for the updates. Throughly enjoying the write ups and the irreverent actions at the pyramids. The pictures tell a whole story in themselves. Beautiful country and people! --Beth Mast

Anonymous said...

Great Job with the blog.Praying for safety and health for everyone.
Rob Miller

Unknown said...

Thanks for your daily updates. Tell everyone we said hello. Tell Dan to watch those birds and his money. It may be a setup. Praying for your health and safety.
Chuck and Margie

Anonymous said...

Thanks for your daily update. They bring back memories of our trip. Tell Dan to watch those birds and money. It may be a setup. Prayin for you all. Tell everyone we said hello.
Chuck and Margie

Anonymous said...

Thanks so much for keeping us informed! We look forward to hearing what you are up to and can't wait to hear all about it when you come home. Praying for you all! (Caitlin's still praying that Grandma doesn't fall off a donkey and crack her head).
Betsy and the kids

Anonymous said...

It is neat to be able to keep up with you all as you trek around the far country. Linda is enjoying the pics too. Her surgery went well and she is at home resting and being taken well care of by me and family and dear friends. God Bless! Look forward to hearing all the stories on the 18th. Bob