Wednesday, April 07, 2010

"Deliverance!" Please Look Through the End

street girls selling trinkets... arent't they lovely?
take away... my money (lunch stand)
ancient and old together...
couldn't resist asking them if we could take a picture together
the only vendor allowed to come inside our bus to sell us post cards
the old and the new... in this traffic the camel wins!
father negotiating through traffic with son in tow
more daily scenes in the Pyramid Valley
the sphinx

that's me being irreverent in front of the second pyramid

our police escort, a nice guy, but don't mess with him, on his right, hidden under the coat, he had some mean piece of artillery...
on the way to the pyramids

old coptic street in cairoinside and outside "the hanging church"

our most knowledgeable female guide

outside the egyptian musuem
Our theme today was "deliverance." Pastor Bob took us back to Exodus and the story of the deliverance of the people of Israel from Egypt after 400+ years of bondage. Ironically it was to here that Joseph was instructed to take the baby Jesus in order to flee the fury of Herod. Jesus fled to Egypt to escape the evil and the people of Israel fled out of Egypt to experience the Promised Land. Here the drama of salvation was displayed and God won. What is more, the idea of deliverance also solves the problem of the "tipping scales." If the famous scene from the Egyptian tomb were true, none of us would stand a chance of the scales tipping in our favor. Why? Because according to God we are all guilty, no exception. We have sinned and offended a holy God and that is enough to send us to that ugly place we call hell. But the good news is that in Jesus God satisfied His demands for justice by allowing Him to die on our place, as the Bible says, the "just for the unjust." Thus we are delivered and the reason we know it is that not only did He die but He also rose again according to Scriptures an event we just celebrated during Easter.

Pastor Ivanildo C. Trindade
my one and only picture of the nile


Kristen said...

Oh my goodness! Just wait until Elliot sees Tia Naza and Pastor "Noodle" riding camels!!!! She will not believe it...
What a wonderful opportunity, hope Eddie and I can go someday! Enjoy and stay safe.
The Fridleys :)

Matthew Teach said...

Thanks for posting the pics Ivanildo. The grandkids got a HUGE kick out of seeing Bill on a camel! We are all praying for the group for a wonderful trip and a safe return.