Friday, August 05, 2011

last blog until the USA

if we are asked, "Where were you Friday morning at 10:00 am?", we would have to say, "Well we were in both San Francisco and Seoul at the same time." Yes we actually get to "re-do" Friday.  Live it twice. Get an extra day. We will begin traveling further away from Friday only to be back in it. Crazy to think about isn't it! What if we could realy relive a day? Ever had one of those days? Well with God's grace we don't get to relive a day, but we can live today as if yesterday never happened. Yes that is right. When we mess it up with sin, and come to repentence, God wipes the slate clean.  We are new. Isn't that wonderful! I am so thankful that God is the kind of God He is, aren't you?!

This trip has been an incredible experience to have as a family. It has been really wonderful to see God working in the hearts of our kids all the while challenging us. If any of you are thinking of going as a family or with a family member or two, we would love to share more with you.

There is one more thing I want to share with you that I have heard over and over again on this trip. It is something from the children.  It is so important for us to keep going to see them. When we say to them we love them and never show up again or communicate with them, they doubt our love. Remember they all deal with abandament issues. But when we come back, we reassure them of our love for them and of God's love for them. We are family to them now. And I couldn't be happier than be that for them. Please pray for all of our kids. They really do pray for you. They don't just say it. They do it. So please join me in commitment to be as faithful in praying for them.

It has been an honor to represent all of our sponsors and our church on this trip.

See you all Sunday!


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