Wednesday, May 11, 2011

In his own words: Wooster Motor Ways truck driver helps those in need

This is a first-hand account from the Wooster Motor Ways truck driver re: delivering aid to the Christian Service Mission in Birmingham, AL. We praise God for Wooster Motor Ways help.

Hi Pastor,
I am the Wooster Motor Ways driver that picked up the trailer Monday for Birmingham, AL. I just wanted to let you know that all went well.

The Christian Service Mission was a busy place. It was so busy that Birmingham Police were actually there to help direct traffic.

Truck & Trailer arrived 7pm Tue May 10
I had 6 or so volunteers helping me unload my truck. Those helping me were as far away as South Bend, IN helping on a missions trip. Volunteers were helping from everywhere, it was quite an amazing sight to see.
I do not remember the names of the people that I talked to when I got there, but they were very happy to get this, and amazed at how much there was on the truck. Several of the volunteers were amazed as well. Everything was much appreciated, and well needed.

I am very grateful for the opportunity to have been a part of this. At one time I was the youth leader at my Church, we went on trips every three years, we did a lot of service projects, it was an amazing feeling to help someone in need.
Trucker Driver Brad

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