Saturday, July 04, 2009

Hope for the C.A.R.

I was reading in the Psalms this morning and came upon some verses that really described what we observed at the Project Hope and Charity’s Last Day of School Celebration and had to write an addendum to yesterday’s blog.

Psalm 71:5-7 “For Thou are my hope.” What other hope do these orphaned children have than what God is providing through His people and His grace?

“O Lord God, Thou art my confidence from my youth.” The children who stood and spoke to the crowd were FULL of confidence. Here they are the put down in society, but yet they have the confidence to get up in front of dignitaries and boldly recite what they have prepared.)

“By Thee I have been sustained from my birth.” If you could see the living conditions of many of these kids, you would wonder how they could even survive.

“Thou art He who took me from my mother’s womb.” I can’t imagine giving birth here. No wonder the infant mortality rate is so high.

“My praise is continually of Thee.” To hear them sing praises to God is indescribable. They truly understand what it means to be “rescued”.

“I have become a marvel to many.” The Minister of National Education was in tears as he presented the awards to some of the children. These children should not even be surviving, yet alone thriving in their education.

“For thou art my strong refuge.” That explains why all this can be: because God is certainly their strong refuge.

Another few verses I read this morning I will leave you with. I am so excited to be a part of a church that “gets” all of this. What a blessing to be a part of God’s plan to save these children. It is so exciting to see these children have a chance at life all the while learning of God’s Word and God’s plan for them. I can’t wait to hear someday how God has used these children in the leadership of this country. They are the hope and the future of the C.A.R. and God’s Word is planted in their hearts!

Psalm 72:12-13: “For He will deliver the needy when he cries for help, the afflicted also, and him who has no helper. He will have compassion on the poor and needy, and the lives of the needy He will save.”

Have a great 4th of July! We will be praying for your outreach. Don’t forget to listen in around 9pm to the band that will be playing at the festivities there in Wooster. It is my son’s band. They won the Battle of the Bands of Wayne County and get to play tonight before the fireworks.

God Bless all of you,



SPIES said...

Loved the post, Jeana!

Anonymous said...

Still praying for all of you - take care of your knees Barb! Your son's band sounded great Jeana! - there was a great turnout and they had a lot of fun.
Joel Skaggs

faye said...

Just got John home from the airport. He's still in somewhat of a daze. It's so hard to return from Africa. Such a different life.
I love reading your blog. God bless you all.