Sunday, September 03, 2006

Feasting among God's children in Bangui

What a great day we had today in Bangui!

First, we all attended church in different parts of the city. We attended services in Sango and French. I spoke at the largest GBC in Bangui, twice. The church is pastored by my seminary class mate, Pastor Joseph Ndomale. What a blessing to worship with believers in his church. The enthusiasm with which they sing reminded me so much of the churches growing up in Brazil.

In the afternoon we went to an orphan group and spent a couple of hours with about 40 orphans. They welcomed us with songs, Bible verses, many many smiles and lots of love!

Afterwards, we distributed the care packages provided by one of our ABF's. My oh my, to see the joy in the eyes of those little ones! We feasted in their presence, as we saw the face of Jesus on their faces. For a moment, we felt like time stood still.

These kids are so fortunate to have care now that allows them to go to school, have enough food to eat, and receive spiritual guidance on a weekly basis. We saw first hand what $30 per month is doing to take kids off the street and give them the hope of the Gospel.

Thank you for your continued prayers for us. Tomorrow we will be visiting a well-drilling project in a Pygmy village about one hour away from Bangui.

Pastor Ivanildo Trindade

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