Zac also spent time playing basketball with the boys there who weren’t receiving medical care. He was playing so hard, that he fell and needed Nurse Mom to clean his wounds. She did a great job!
I’m sure you’re wondering why I’ve included a picture of a girl’s hands holding lip gloss. She was one of the orphans sitting on the bench, waiting to see Nurse Rebecca. I let her sit on my lap, and I rubbed her back. I remember when I was a kid, I liked having my mom do that for me. Even though I couldn’t speak to her, I wanted her to know I cared for her. She held that lip gloss for at least 2 hours. She didn’t even put it in her pocket. Looking at her lip gloss, I thought of how cheap it is in America, and that most women have many different kinds and colors. But to this little girl, her one bottle of lip gloss was her prized possession. She took that lip gloss with her, because she didn’t want anything to happen to it while she as at the medical center. To her, that lip gloss was just as important as seeing the Nurse. I will never look at lip gloss the same after I return to America.
After spending time there, we returned to ICDI for lunch. Following lunch, we each spent time relaxing and refueling for the rest of the trip. Zac and Jeana spent a couple of hours with a missionary family they met on a previous trip. Zac especially enjoyed playing with the children, and Jeana had a great time giving support and encouragement to her friend, Judith.
We ended the evening by playing Dutch Blitz. It was a great way for us to do something as a team and have fun! Unfortunately for the team, I was just as competitive as I am in the States, so I had to throw in some “trash-talk”. But, we didn’t keep score, so we don’t actually know who won. They’re lucky I wasn’t keeping track in my head :)
Thanks for your comments! They have been a great encouragement.
Heidi - on behalf of the team
Praying that you are encouraged in all that you're able to do in the lives of the people God places in front of you today! We look forward to hearing how God is using this opportunity to grow you in your faith and love for others.
Blessings, Wade and Sharon
It looks like you gals (and guy) are having an awesome time! It brings back cool memories to see the pictures. Careful with that pineapple pop! I (Matt) was the only one out of our team to have that one day and I got sick. Probably just my luck. Heidi, we'll miss you at four14 once again and I'm sure you're just missing the snot out of us! haha! We're looking forward to hearing more stories in person. Thanks team for your courage and faithfulness!
Hi everyone. We're getting ready for July 4th outreach here. Juana is filling you for you, Jeana, and doing a great job. We continue to pray for you. I know that quite a few people read the blog every day and I'm trying my best to encourage them to leave comments. Meanwhile, you keep hearing from the "usual suspects." We're proud of the work you're doing there!
We love reading the daily messages that so clearly give us a picture of all that is going on. Today is the first day that I did not cry as I read the blog- course I might start now as I tell you how much we all care for you and appreciate all you are doing as a team. I am praying for your strength and health as you give of yourselves in the name of Jesus. Can't wait to hear more.
Michelle S.
Thanks so much for all you are doing! You are such an encouragement to us all! May God bless your time there.
We are praying for you and are so encouraged about what the Lord is doing in and through you.
Thank you for being the hands of Jesus and loving these people for us as well.
Celeste Kern
Great updates! Thanks for posting about the trip and all that God is doing. We are praying for you guys back here in Ohio! Looking forward to seeing you all safely back in the states soon!
Keep on Running - Hebrews 12:1-2!
Dutch Blitz in Africa? The Amish would be so proud :) Great updates so far.
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